Update Subscription Plan
Use this API to update the subscription plan, changes made to the plan will not affect current subscription. If you would like to make changes to the current subscriptions use the Update Recurring Billing API.
Path Parameters
Min: 1, Max: 999999.99. It's required field
1 < x < 999999.99
Billing frequency (weekly / monthly / yearly / custom / save_card). If cycle = custom then the user has to send the fields cycle_repeat and cycle_frequency
, monthly
, yearly
, custom
, save_card
Plan name. It's required field
[This field is only applicable when cycle = custom] It's the frequency of the cycle [day / week / month / year]
, week
, month
, year
[This field is only applicable when cycle = custom] It's the number of times the cycle will repeat.
The description of subscription plan
it's required if start_date_method = fixed_date
1 < x < 28
The redirected URL after the payment
Arbitrary reference number that you can map to your internal reference number. This value cannot be edited by the customer
, customer_select_date
, fixed_date
1 < x < 100
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