This page provides detailed information about payout cycles and methods available through HitPay. Understanding how payouts work is essential for managing your funds efficiently and maintaining a smooth financial flow.


Payout Schedule

The payout schedule refers to the frequency at which funds accumulated in your HitPay account are transferred to your designated payout method.

HitPay Balance Payouts

You can customize the payout schedule for funds accumulated in the HitPay Balance. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Bank Payouts
  • Click on the ”…” button on besides “Top up balance” button.
  • Click on “Settings”
  • Choose whether you want to receive payouts automatically or manually upon request
  • For automatic payouts, choose the desired automatic processing frequency: daily, weekly, or monthly.

Cards Balance Payouts

Please note that the automatic payout schedule applies only to HitPay Balance Payouts. Card Balance Payouts are processed automatically by Stripe based on the standard payout schedule.