Account Setup

Before you begin integrating HitPay payments into your WooCommerce store, you need to set up your HitPay account and ensure some prerequisites are met:

  1. If you haven’t already, create an account on HitPay.
  2. Ensure that you have the necessary payment methods activated in your HitPay account.
  3. Make sure the payment methods you want to offer are enabled in your WooCommerce sales channel.

Integration Guide

The WooCommerce plugin is currently not available from the WordPress plugin store. You need to download and upload the zip file directly from GitHub releases.

You can view the checkout experience at the HitPay Test Store hosted on WooCommerce here.

Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate HitPay payments into your WooCommerce store:

  1. Download the HitPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce zip file from GitHub releases.

  2. In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.

  3. Choose the downloaded zip file and click Install Now.

  4. After installation, click on Activate Plugin.

Enable auto-updates for the plugin to ensure you always have the latest version.
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and click on Manage next to HitPay

    Search and Install Plugin Manage

  2. Complete HitPay Configuration in WooCommerce

    Enable Live Mode only if you have copy-pasted the API keys and Salt values from the production environment. If you are testing in the sandbox, uncheck Live Mode and copy the API keys and Salt values from HitPay Sandbox environment.


    Please select the payment logos that you want to display on the checkout page. If you do not select the payment logos, HitPay will not appear on the checkout page:

    Copy and Paste the API Keys and Salt Values from the HitPay settings to WooCommerce. You may find your API and Salt Keys from HitPay dashboard > Payment Gateway > API.

Payment Methods Selection

  • The payment methods that are finally present to the users can be configured in your HitPay web dashboard. Under Plugin Integrations Integration

  • Make sure to also select the same logos in your WooCommerce settings. Refer to step #6 above

That’s it! You’re all set up with HitPay on WooCommerce. 🎉


Refunds are fully integrated into the WooCommerce dashboard, so you can directly proceed to refund an order from the WooCommerce dashboard, and it will automatically refund the payment back to the customer.

Refunds will only be successful if they meet the criteria of the payment method used. Click Here for more details. If the refund fails, please try to refund directly from the Hitpay dashboard under “Transactions > Select > Refund” to know the exact error.

If you initiate a refund from the Hitpay dashboard, your WooCommerce order will not be refunded. You need to manually update your order in WooCommerce.

Steps to refund from WooCommerce Admin Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce by clicking on “WooCommerce” in the menu.
  3. Select “Orders” from the WooCommerce menu.
  4. Find the order you want to process a refund for and click on the “View” icon or the row associated with that order. This action will take you to the Admin Order Details page.
  5. Scroll down on the Admin Order Details page to locate the “Refund” button. It should be displayed on the page.
  6. If the order was paid using the ‘HitPay Payment Gateway,’ WooCommerce will, by default, display a button that says ‘Refund xx via HitPay Payment Gateway’ on the screen.
  7. If the payment gateway accepts the refund request, the refund details will be automatically added to the order’s history.
  8. Please note that only one refund is allowed per transaction.

Support for Drop-In UI

This plugin supports Drop-In UI. Drop-In allows your customers to complete the payment without a redirect; it is embedded into your webpage, so your customers will never have to leave your site. This is recommended if you have payment methods like Cards and Native QR Code payments (e.g., PayNow).

PayNow Checkout Drop-In

Drop-In UI currently does not support Apple Pay.