
Setting up shipping and pickup options for your HitPay online store is essential to provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Whether you’re shipping products locally or globally, offering various delivery methods, or enabling customers to choose pickup options, HitPay’s shipping settings allow you to tailor your online store to meet your specific business needs.

Shipping & Pickup

Configuring Shipping Settings

To configure shipping settings for your HitPay online store, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to Shipping & Pickup:

  • Access the shipping settings by going to your HitPay Web Dashboard and navigating to Online Shop > Shipping & Pickup.

Step 2: Enable Shipping and Add a Shipping Method:

  • Click on the “Shipping Method” toggle button to activate shipping options for your online store.
  • Click on the Add Shipping Method button to define a new shipping method.

Step 3: Fill Out Details and Create Shipping Method:

  • Fill out the necessary details for the shipping method you’re adding. This includes providing a clear and descriptive name for the method, specifying shipping costs, and selecting the countries or regions where the method is applicable.

Step 4 (Optional): Enable Delivery Date and Time Slots:

  • Enhance the customer experience by offering the option for customers to choose their preferred delivery date and time. This can be particularly useful for businesses offering time-sensitive products or services.
  • After enabling this feature, customers will be able to select their preferred delivery date and time slot during the checkout process.

Once you’ve filled out the required details, click on the Create Shipping Method button to save your settings.

After configuring your shipping settings and saving your changes, the newly added shipping methods will be available for customers to choose from during the checkout process. This ensures that customers have transparent information about shipping costs and methods, leading to a smoother shopping experience.

Setting Up and Managing Pickup Locations for Your Store

  1. Navigate to Online Shop > Shipping & Pickup > Pickup.
  2. Click on the “Activate Pickup Method” checkbox to activate pickups for your store.
  3. Click on + Pickup Location.
  4. Enter the pickup name and select a location from the dropdown menu labeled “Locations” which lists all available locations from Online Store > Locations.
    • If the desired location is not listed, you can add a new location directly from this dropdown menu by clicking on ‘Add New’.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add multiple pickup locations.
  6. To manage existing pickup locations, navigate to the Pickup Locations tab.
    • Active/Inactive Locations: Active locations will appear as an option on the checkout page, and inactive locations will not.

Setting Time Slots For Pick-Ups & Shipping Methods

  1. When you’re in the ”Add/Edit Shipping Method” page, click on the “Delivery date and time slots” toggle to enable time slots for the shipping method.

  2. Select the day(s) allocated for shipping.

  3. Set a time slot for the selected days.

(Optional) Specify the number of slots available; once all slots are filled, customers can’t choose that time slot.
  1. Click Save/Create Shipping Method to save your changes.

Calendar Settings for Pick-Up or Shipping Methods

After enabling time slots, you can configure advance calendar settings for the pickup or shipping mode. These settings include advance days, cutoff time, maximum days, and blackout dates:

  1. Advance Days: The Advance Day setting allows you to specify the number of days required for order preparation before shipping or pickup. This ensures that you have enough time to fulfill the orders.

    To configure advance days:

    • Enable the “Advance Day” option.
    • In the field provided, enter the number of days required for order preparation.
The current day is day 1. If orders are fulfilled immediately, leave advance settings disabled.
  1. Cutoff Time: The cutoff time option is available only when the Advance Day setting is enabled. It allows you to set the latest time of day by which customers can place their orders for shipping or pickup.

    To configure cutoff time:

    • Enable the “Cutoff Time” option
    • Enter the desired time in the provided field
  2. Maximum Days: The Maximum Days setting specifies the time frame in which customers can place their orders. Dates beyond this specified time frame will not be available for selection during the checkout process.

    To configure maximum days:

    • Enable the “Maximum Days” option
    • In the “Days” field, enter the maximum number of days within which customers can place their orders.
This restricts the available dates for pickup during checkout.
  1. Blackout Dates: The Blackout Dates setting allows you to specify dates when the shipping or pickup option will be unavailable, such as holidays or non-working days.

    To configure blackout dates:

    • Enable the “Blackout Dates” option
    • In the “Blackout Dates” section, enter the start and end dates of the blackout period
    • Click on the + button to specify additional blackout periods if needed
    • To remove a blackout date, click on the “Delete” icon next to the respective date

Your configured settings will be displayed on the checkout page of your online store.


Setting up shipping and pickup options in your HitPay online store is an integral part of providing a convenient and efficient shopping experience for your customers. By following the steps outlined above, you can tailor your shipping methods to match your business’s needs and ensure that customers have clear information about their delivery options.