
HitPay provides a comprehensive user management system accessible directly from the HitPay dashboard under Settings > Staff.

Inviting Team Members

You have the ability to invite members of your team to access your HitPay account. New users can be invited via email, and it’s essential to assign a specific role and location to each new user.

Before designating a role to a team member, familiarize yourself with the list of actions each role is permitted or restricted from performing. For more details, refer to the list of permissions associated with each role.

Users Locations

Admins have access to all locations.

If you are using point of sale, you can assign users to specific locations. You can learn more about locations here.

Accepting an Invitation

Upon being invited to access HitPay as an Admin, Manager, or Cashier, the user will receive an email. By clicking “View Invitation,” the invited user will be directed to create a user account. The invitee can then click the “Accept” button to start accessing HitPay.

Modifying User Permissions

After a team member accepts their invitation, you maintain the flexibility to modify their role as necessary. You can access the option to adjust a team member’s role from your account’s user management settings. Click the edit icon next to their user account to make the desired changes.

User Roles


  • Full access to the entire dashboard
  • Full control of products, discounts, taxes, surcharges, tips
  • Has access to invite new users
  • Has access to remove any user, including Admins
  • Can assign multiple Admins per business
  • Can access all reports and receives relevant notifications
  • Can access Sales and Reports across all locations and users
  • Can initiate a refund for any transaction


  • Full access to dashboard
  • Full control of products, discounts, taxes, surcharges, tips
  • Has access to invite new users with Manager and Cashier roles
  • Cannot remove other Admins
  • Has access to all reports and receives relevant notifications
  • Can access Sales and Reports across all locations and users
  • Can initiate a refund for any transaction


  • Has “View Only” access to bank account details
  • Full control of products & discounts only
  • Has “View Only” access to API keys
  • Managers will be able to access transactions that are not assigned to any location (e.g API transactions, Plugin transactions)
  • If assigned to a location, managers can only access transactions and export reports from their designated location
  • Can initiate a refund for transactions that do not have a location OR transactions under their designated location only


  • Limited to accepting payments using:
    • Point of Sale
    • Recurring billing
    • Invoicing
  • Can access Sales and Reports but is restricted to viewing transactions conducted under their personal account only
  • Refund is restricted by default, Owners or Admins can configure whether to allow/disallow cashiers to perform a refund