
The HitPay dashboard provides you with the ability to monitor and analyze your transactions and gain insights into your business’s performance. This guide takes you on an comprehensive journey through the Sales & Reports features on HitPay.

Export Transactions

Exporting of transaction is only available on the Web dashboard
You can easily export your transactions reports from the HitPay dashboard. Navigate to the Web dashboard > Bank Payouts > Transactions and click on Export Transactions button, select the colums you would like to include and click on Download button. Once the export is completed an email will be sent to you.


You can access your sales reports by navigating to Bank Payouts > Reports on your HitPay Dashboard.

Types of Reports

Report TypeDescriptionAccessibility
Transactions ListDisplays a list of transactions processed within a specific time period. Accessible via the Transactions Tab.Can be acccessed by navigating to the Transactions tab
Sales SummaryOffers an overview of sales within a specific time frame, including gross sales, refunds, net sales, fees, and net collected.Accessible by navigating to the Tools tab and clicking on Reports.
Sales by Payment MethodsSummarizes the number of payments, gross sales, net collected, and associated fees based on various payment methods transacted via HitPay.Accessible by navigating to the Tools tab and clicking on Reports.
Sales by Products SummaryProvides an aggregated summary of total sales for each product.Accessible by navigating to the Tools tab and clicking on Reports.
Sales by Products DetailedOffers a detailed breakdown of products sold and the quantity sold in each order.You can access this information under the transaction details by selecting the transaction from the Transactions tab.

Setting Report Filters

Before you can export your sales reports, you need to set a filter based on the “Sales Channel” and you also need to specify a Date From(Start Date) & Date To(End Date)

Cashiers will only be able to view their own transactions and cannot view other user’s transactions.