
The store settings page allows you to manage various aspects of your online store’s functionality. From enabling your store to setting up a password-protected storefront, customising messages, and managing sold-out products, these settings help you tailor your store to meet your business needs.

General Store Settings

Accessing the Store Settings

  • Log in to your HitPay Web Dashboard.
  • Navigate to Online Shop > Store Settings.

Store Settings

Store Settings Options

Store is Enabled

  • Enable or Disable Your Store: Use this option to enable or disable your online store. When disabled, your store will not be accessible to customers.

Password is Required to Access the Store

  • Password-Protected Storefront: Create a password for your online shop, allowing only visitors with the password to access your store. This is useful for pre-launch phases, private sales, or B2B sales.

Sold Out Products

  • Hide Sold Out Products: Choose whether to hide products that are sold out from your storefront.

Custom Thank You Message

  • Custom Thank You Message: Enter a message that will be displayed to customers after they complete their order. This can be used to thank customers for their purchase or provide additional information.

Redirect After Order Completion

  • Redirect URL: Set a URL to which customers will be redirected after they complete their order. This can be used to guide customers to a specific page, such as a survey, promotion, or your own website.

Seller Notes

  • Checkout Page Message: Enter a message that will be displayed on the checkout page. This can be used to provide important information or instructions to customers before they complete their purchase.

By configuring these settings, you can ensure your online store operates smoothly and provides a tailored experience for your customers. Be sure to save any changes you make to apply the new settings to your store.