Types of Printers supported


Device/OSModel NumberiPhone/iPad (iOS)AndroidHitPay Standalone TerminalAvailability
HitPay Bluetooth Printes-Singapore, Indonesia
HitPay Advanced Printers-Singapore
Star Micronics Bluetooth Receipt PrintersTSP-650IISingapore

Printing Receipts Automatically

You can streamline your checkout process by configuring the HitPay POS app to automatically print receipts after each transaction. Follow these simple steps to customize your receipt settings:

  1. Open HitPay app
  2. Go to Settings > Printer
  3. Click on the Printer Settings (Gear Icon) on the top right of the page.
  4. To enable automatic receipt printing, enable the “Print receipts automatically” toggle.
  5. Select the number of receipts to be printed
  6. If you are printing more than 1 receipt, you can set the time delay between each prints
  7. Once you’ve configured your preferences, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

From now on, every transaction made through the HitPay POS app will automatically trigger the printing of receipts according to your customized settings.